July 18, 2011
Dear Friend,
As a previous buyer of documentary films by Ibtisam Maranaa, the most notable woman Israeli Arab director, we'd like to let you know about availability her new critically acclaimed film, Lady Kul Arab.
Docs For Education is devoted to distributing high quality, creative documentaries suitable for educational purposes.
I was born in 1935 in Poland. During WWII, my mother and I escaped from the Nazis in a journey that ended in Bombay, India. It was during research for a documentary film about my personal life that I became familiar with another fascinating and un-familiar story, that of The Darien, which became the subject of my first script.
The film The Darien Dilemma was directed by my son, Erez Laufer, and edited by my daughter, Miri Laufer. The three of us continued our collaboration in Rafting to Bombay, the film which tells my own personal story.
It was during the creation of these two deeply personal documentary films with my son that I acknowledged the instructive value of this media. Receiving enthusiastic responses from universities, schools, public libraries and other institutions encouraged us to create a small selection of unique, insightful documentary films with educational value.
We've added Lady Kul Arab to our distribution collection, will be adding new titles in the future, and will be letting you know about them via this occasional newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive news about new documentaries as they become available, feel free to click the unsubscribe link at the end of this email.
Nahum Laufer,