December 7, 2011
Docs For Education has a unique catalog of documentary films that I choose personally. In our first few months of operation we've received growing interest from leading universities around the world, including Harvard, McGill, Princeton, Stanford and Yale, just to name a few.
It is a bit unusual for someone my age (76) to start such a new project. Over the past five years I've successfully distributed my son Erez Laufer's documentary films to over 200 libraries, museums, film festivals and other academic institutions. After seeing this success, other filmmakers began asking me to distribute their films as well. And so was born Docs For Education.
Our success so far is due to the fact that I only take on films that I personally appreciate, films that have an educational value on topics I feel are important.
The catalog so far includes six films, three of which strike a chord with me as a person saved from The Holocaust, and others which present different stories of human plights and rights.
I look forward to bringing similar new films to our growing list of libraries and educational institutions in 2012.
Shalom (Peace)
Nahum Laufer
Docs For Education
Our current catalog includes the following films: